"Farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing"

~Two men stand near the embarkation ramp of a Federal Shuttle.  The older in a conservative business suit with Amarrian accents, the younger in contemporary traveling gear.  Two men in yellow jumpsuits exit the shuttle and nod to the men, The younger returns the nod and thanks them, the older man pays them no notice.~

>Tycho. I am loaded then.
>James. It would seem so.
>Tycho. You have been a good man to me.
>Tycho. I hope you find a happier way.
>James. We walk the paths we choose.

~Nodding to the waiting shuttle.~

>James. The pilot is one of mine, he will get to where your going.
>Tycho. Ho you are worried I will get lost?
>James. No.  Tycho you are the least lost person I know.
>Tycho. I thank you James Syagrius for all of it.
>James. In the balance of things, I am in your debt.

~flashes a broad smile~

>James. Now go, be happy.
>Tycho. Good bye James.

~Tycho steps towards James embracing him.~
~James momentarily confused returns the embrace and whispers something into Tychos ear.~
~Tycho backs away searches for something in James face, then nods.~
~Walking up the embarkation ramp Tycho turns and waves before disappearing into the ship.~
~As the ramp raises James moves out of uplift range and watches as the shuttle makes its way out of the hanger.~
~After several minutes a young Ni Kunni approaches James, bowing deeply before he speaks.~

>Ta'Noth. Good sir, it is cold here.

~James turns and gives the young man a kind smile.~

>James. Yes it is, thank you for reminding me.

~The young Ni Kunni follows as James makes his way out of the hanger.~

"Hanging and wiving goes by destiny."

~James stands and walks slowly away from his desk and the letter on fine linen paper~

"Beloved, I have gone to live in the house of my father.

You are gone, save for the child, I am alone among these wicked people.  This horror for whom you toil is a thing of the pit.  I cannot abide his house, nor watching him poison your will.

You have been a good husband.  Our Robert, bringing my family to prominence, indeed all worldly things you have provided.

I see flickers of the man you were, but you are not the same.  

The rest I will leave unspoken.  Know that I love you, I will remember the Uellarion blossoms.

Lelleh Daughter of Hygelic"

"I have seen the Footman..."

~James with pen on paper writes~

Atop this perch, I watch.  The churning chaos of commerce.  Where want, need, desire and greed do dreams make or crush.  Loyalty is in the lie.  Honor bleeds, and no one cares.  Nothing is what it should be.  I am fool, old and tired.

~James sets down the pen, touching his desk, a reluctant voice answers~

> Secretary: Yes sir?

> James Syagrius:  Sell it all.

~A long pause~

> Secretary: Yes sir.