>Tycho. I am loaded then.
>James. It would seem so.
>Tycho. You have been a good man to me.
>Tycho. I hope you find a happier way.
>James. We walk the paths we choose.
~Nodding to the waiting shuttle.~
>James. The pilot is one of mine, he will get to where your going.
>Tycho. Ho you are worried I will get lost?
>James. No. Tycho you are the least lost person I know.
>Tycho. I thank you James Syagrius for all of it.
>James. In the balance of things, I am in your debt.
~flashes a broad smile~
~flashes a broad smile~
>James. Now go, be happy.
>Tycho. Good bye James.
~Tycho steps towards James embracing him.~
~Tycho steps towards James embracing him.~
~James momentarily confused returns the embrace and whispers something into Tychos ear.~
~Tycho backs away searches for something in James face, then nods.~
~Walking up the embarkation ramp Tycho turns and waves before disappearing into the ship.~
~As the ramp raises James moves out of uplift range and watches as the shuttle makes its way out of the hanger.~
~After several minutes a young Ni Kunni approaches James, bowing deeply before he speaks.~
>Ta'Noth. Good sir, it is cold here.
>Ta'Noth. Good sir, it is cold here.
~James turns and gives the young man a kind smile.~
>James. Yes it is, thank you for reminding me.
~The young Ni Kunni follows as James makes his way out of the hanger.~